Guys, Here Goes Some Small Applications with which you could be able to protect your computer with your own USB, that exactly means that to Lock or Unlock your computer you first have to insert your own USB for it. If you would not be using the USB then you can't be able to access your own computer, as you would see a "Access Denied" Error Message...
The Predator, A Software Application For Windows Platform which will do this job very easily. It'll lock your computer system and in turn make your USB into a Key to Lock or Unlock Your Own Computer System. As Whenever You Insert in your USB into your computer system, then only you could be able to Unlock it otherwise not. :D
How To Protect Your Computer with a USB Flash Drive?
- Now First of all Download Predator From Cnet.
- Now After Installing, Launch Predator. Now Just Plug-in Your USB Drive
Please Don't Worry as your USB is Safe as no file or folder would alter at all i.e nothing would be changing nothing will get remove or change.
- Now After Plugging it in your computer, a Dialog Box Would appear and would then be asking for creating a new Password. Click "OK" to continue further.
- Now the Predator Preference Window Will Open, now just enter the source and a unique Password in "New Password" Field. This will then be helping you out for unlocking your Computer if probably you lost your USB Flash Drive or you don't own it at that time.
- After that, Click on "Create key" and click "OK".
- After all these processes, Predator would Exit. Now Start Predator from your Desktop/Taskbar Window and Enjoy! :D
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